7-22-14 common core debate

A Fond du Lac lawmaker is applauding the governor’s request that the legislature repeal the Common Core standards.  Last week Governor Scott Walker issued a one sentence statement calling on the legislature to repeal the standards.  Fond du lac Republican state representative Jeremy Thiesfeldt says it should be the legislature’s first priority.  Thiesfeldt says he believes momentum against Common Core appears to be growing.  “The country as a whole seems to be kind of edging the other direction on it,”  Thiesfeldt told AM 1170 WFDL’s Between the Lines program.  “The Common Core standards were put into place very quickly without a whole lot of thought put into them by states and now they’re starting to take a closer look and saying maybe this isn’t the direction we want to head.”   But Senate Democratic leader Chris Larson says the vast majority in Wisconsin’s public education system support the standards.  “Its a pure stunt.  If there’s anything this governor has shown that he thrives on its making large declaratory statements that have no follow-up,  Larson told WFDL news.  Thiesfeldt says Wisconsin should be able to develop its own standards.  But Larson says that defeats a primary goal of Common Core which is to create universal standards across the country.

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