10-6-15 fdl man on trial for shooting incident

Testimony will resume this morning in the trial of a Fond du lac man involved in two separate shooting incidents  in the city of Fond du lac and village of North Fond du lac.   Mason Paasch is charged with multiple offenses including discharging a firearm from a vehicle,  within 100 yards of a building, operating a firearm while intoxicated,  and disorderly conduct.  Paasch is accused of firing a handgun into the air following a fight outside a southeast Fond du Lac residence in October of 2013 and  later firing an assault rifle into the air after being confronted by a neighbor in North Fond du lac.   During testimony Monday afternoon Lucas Runge testified that Paasch was intoxicated when he showed up at his parent’s  home on Glenwood Drive for a party and soccer game.   Runge says he saw Paasch fire the gun and initially thought someone had been shot.  Nobody was injured in the incident.

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