5-10-16 agnesian healthcare hospice hope donation

Spaghetti Dinner Hospice Hope Donation 050616
Laurie Pethan (right), National Mutual Benefit’s Branch #695 president, presents Andy Land (center), Agnesian HealthCare’s Hospice Hope and Palliative Care Services director, and Michelle Ries (left), Agnesian HealthCare Foundation director, a check for $3,000.  National Mutual Benefit, a fraternal life insurance society in Fond du Lac, sponsored an all-you-can-eat spaghetti dinner fund-raiser with proceeds benefiting Agnesian HealthCare’s Hospice Hope.  Agnesian HealthCare’s Hospice Hope provides a team of caring professionals trained to meet the physical and emotional needs of patients who have a limited life expectancy, as well as the needs of their families and caregiver.   For more information on Agnesian HealthCare’s Hospice Hope, which has offices in both Fond du Lac and Green Lake, call 923-7950 or (800) 236-4156.

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