2-3-17 democratic fillibuster may be looming over trump supreme court pick

A retired Ripon College political science professor says it will be interesting to see how hard Democrats go after Donald Trump’s pick for the Supreme Court.  Republicans are standing behind Judge Neil Gorsuch while Democrats signaled they will challenge the choice.  Political scientist Marty Farrel says he wouldn’t be surprised if Democrats try to filibuster the nomination. “They’re (Democrats) hopping mad because Scalia died in February of 2016 and the Republicans blocked, wouldn’t even hold hearings, for Merrick Garland for virtually the entire year,”  Farrell told WFDL news.  “…and they (Democrats) feel that was totally illegitimate and so they are going to probably fight this as much as they can.  You could see, I’m not saying its for sure, but you could see a fillibuster attempt for this nomination.”   Farrell says Gorsuch is the son of former EPA director Ann Gorsuch-Buford and says the judge has really strong credentials.  “He has an Ivy League education, Columbia undergrad, scholar to Oxford University, Harvard law, and he was unanimously elected to the Circuit Court of Appeals for the western part of the United States.”

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