3-8-19 wisconsin conservation voters-state budget

The executive director of the Wisconsin Conservation Voters says Governor Tony Evers’ budget is a bold visionary commitment to clean energy, clean water and science based policy.  “We all know there is a water problem in the state,”  Conservation Voters director Kerry Schumann told WFDL news.  “People are feeling the impacts, he (Evers) heard about it and is hearing about it constantly from people all over the state.  It is hitting home that we can’t just keep ignoring this water quality problem.”  Schumann says the budget sets Wisconsin on a path to 100 percent renewable  energy wil a goal to have all electricity produced in the state be carbon-free by 2050.  Meanwhile, Schumann says the DNR is currently working on updating its website to restore fact-based language regarding climate change that was removed by former governor Scott Walker.

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