5-23-24 republican state rep. jerry o’connor statement on attorney general selling a new office in the state doj

MADISON – Representative Jerry O’Connor (R-Fond du Lac) released the following statement on the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel’s report on Attorney General Josh Kaul’s decision to sell a new office in the Department of Justice to out-of-state Democrat megadonor Michael Bloomberg:

“I am greatly alarmed by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel’s report this morning on Attorney General Kaul’s decision to sell a prosecutor position in the Department of Justice’s Public Protection Unit to out-of-state billionaire and Democrat megadonor Michael Bloomberg’s climate activism organization.

New York billionaire and former Democrat presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg funds the State Energy and Environmental Impact Center, a New York climate activist organization “defending, enforcing, and promoting strong laws and policies in the area of climate, environmental justice, environmental protection, and clean energy.” The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that AG Kaul has hired a “special assistant attorney general’s position on environmental litigation” in the state DOJ that is paid for by this out-of-state climate activist group.   AG Kaul has turned his back on the people of Wisconsin to cater to the radical climate agenda of out-of-state billionaires and Democratic activists. It is reprehensible that AG Kaul has sold the DOJ to the highest bidder.    It is the solemn duty of the Attorney General to represent and serve the people of Wisconsin, not the bidding and agenda of out-of-state billionaire activists who purchased offices in the DOJ. The DOJ and all other departments and agencies belong to the people of Wisconsin, not out-of-state activists and Democratic megadonors.    I am deeply troubled by the Journal Sentinel’s report and urgently call upon AG Kaul to reverse his decision and renounce the use of private money to directly fund public offices. The Wisconsin Department of Justice is not for sale, and immediate action is needed to protect its integrity.”

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