3-23-18 high speed chases-when to pursue and when to call off chase

Two high speed chases in Fond du Lac County Thursday morning illustrate the quick decisions police have to make on whether to continue to pursue or terminate the chase.    In both chases, the decision was made to terminate the chases before they entered the city limits.  Sheriff’s captain Ryan Waldschmidt says a chase on interstate 41 was called off when the suspect  vehicle got to Oshkosh and a second chase was terminated when the fleeing car reached Oakfield.  “You’ve got stoplights, stop signs, intersections.  A lot of times they start blowing those stop signs and stop lights and that becomes very unsafe very quickly,”  Waldschmidt told WFDL news.    Waldschmidt says deputies receive pursuit training on a regular basis.  “State law requires training for emergency vehicle operation so we train for emergency pursuits out at the airport.  We train hard for these and everyone gets classroom training as well.”

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