5-5-20 fdl’s st. agnes hospital plans to resume elective procedures

Fond du Lac’s Saint Agnes Hospital is planning to resume elective procedures.   Hospital president Katherine Vergos says the hospital is working through the process for bringing elective visits and procedures back in.  Vergos says it will be done on a tiered approach.   “We want to make sure,  because we’ve had so many patients that needed to be put off  for a while, we have a process for vetting through those who really need to be seen first, or those who may need a procedure or surgery first.”  Vergos told WFDL news.  Vergos says the providers are looking through their schedules week by week to see who needs to be seen.  “…talking through what that looks like for testing for those individuals prior to their procedures.  We are working through that,  not only our own ministry here at St. Agnes Hospital, but keeping connected with our region and our system within SSM.”

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